H&C (Humanitarian And Compassionate) Applications

H&C (Humanitarian And Compassionate) Applications

Our Speciality

H&C (Humanitarian And Compassionate) Applications

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We live in complex world and there could humanitarian and compassionate situations which could apply to many close relative including parents enabling to apply PR under H&C category. Such applications are complex and require extensive documents besides thorough understanding or H&C laws. If you want to submit application under H&C, you are welcome to contact us. Our experts will guide you in a right direction.

Factors we notice includes:

  1. Common family connections in Canada
  2. The settled status of individuals in Canada
  3. Favorable attractions or interests of the children involved, if any
  4. What happens when your request is not acceptable by us


Canada PR on humanitarian and compassionate grounds

  • You can only seek these grounds if you’re pertaining to be a permanent citizen of Canada or for a visa abroad as a permanent citizen. H&C requests will not be considered for short term resident applicants.
  • Having additional Humanitarian and Compassionate grounds more than one will not be entertained at the same time.
  • Risk factors like life risk, persecution, cruel and uncommon punishment, and treatments will not be assessed.
  • One cannot apply for these grounds if they have any refugee claims pending. If they must apply, they need to take back their refugee claims prior to immigration and IRB hearing.
  • One cannot apply for these grounds if they have adverse intentions from IRB in the past 12 months. This is known as “one year bar” (If IRB states your IRB claims as withdrawn or abandoned, it’ll be counted as an adverse decision).


This bar will not be implied for the following reasons:

  • Applicants should also provide proof of compliance with the residency obligation provisions with respect to a five-year period that, for at least 730 days in that five-year period, the permanent resident is physically present in Canada:
  • If you have 18-year-old children who are adversely impacted when you were eliminated from Canada.
  • If you or any of your dependant is suffering from life intimidating medical conditions which have no treatment in your home country.
  • Do not worry, we are here to help you. We will assist you in all terms. So call us without hesitation.

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